Today in History, 16th January: What happened on this day

What happened on 16th January: The Roman Empire started, the British East India Company captured the city of Pondicherry, Adolf Hitler retreated underground, and many more events took shape today in History.

Historical events, Birthdays and Death Anniversaries on 16th January
What Happened on 16th January

Here are the answers to your query: What happened on 16th January in History? From historical events to the birth of celebrities and the death of some prominent names worldwide. Here is all the information that you always want to know.

Notable Historical Events Happened on 16th January.

· In 27 BC, the Roman Empire started with the Roman State proclaiming the title of Augustus to the Gaius Julius Caesar Octavian.

· In 1761, the British East India Company took control of the French colony Pondicherry (now Puducherry).

· In 1757, in the Battle of Narela, the  Maratha Empire army defeated the invading forces of the Durrani Empire.

· In 1793, Louis XVI was sentenced to death during the French Revolution by the National Convention.

· In 1945, Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler  retreated to his underground bunker after his army was defeated in the World War II

· In 2017, Bangladesh (595/8 vs New Zealand) became the highest total made by a team that lost a Test match at Wellington.

· In 2021, India started the world’s most extensive COVID-19 vaccination program. Sanitation worker Manish Kumar became the first person to receive the shot.

· In 2022, World No. 1 Tennis player Novak Djokovic was deported by the Australian authorities for allegedly not taking the anti-COVID vaccine.

Notable Birthdays on 16th January

· 1630 – Guru Har Rai: Seventh Guru of Sikhism

· 1946 – Kabir Bedi: Indian actor

· 1956 – Wayne Daniel: West Indies fast bowler

·  1961 – Jay Mehta: Indian businessman

·  1974 – Kate Moss: English model and fashion designer

·  1978 – Vijay Sethupathi: Indian actor

·  1979 – Aaliyah: American singer, actress and model

·  1980 – Lin-Manuel Miranda: American actor and musician

·  1985 – Siddharth Malhotra: Indian actor

Notable Deaths on 16th January

· 1938 – Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay: One of the most adored Bengali novelists and best known for his novel ‘Devdas’.

· 1988 – Lakshmikant Jha: Eighth Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, Governor of Jammu & Kashmir (1973-1981)

I hope you got the answers to your questions. What happened on 16th January? Which famous people were born on 16th January, and Who died on 16th January?



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